New book publication: Anti-racism in Education: Stories of Growing Activism

Dr Geetha Marcus contributed to this new book, raising awareness about how education professionals can positively impact understanding of racism.


Dr Geetha Marcus contributed to this powerful book - made up of anti-racist stories from scholars within higher education throughout their careers. This book aims to encourage people within higher education to think about racist structures and how one can create positive change. 


Each chapter of the book features a different author, sharing their personal experiences with racism. These stories demonstrate the importance of anti-racist activism in teaching by increasing understanding of racism. This book highlights how professionals in the education sector can have a positive impact  to drive this necessary change. 


“I commend this book to all students of sociology and as a vision of the storying of futures of care, compassion and connection fiercely grounded in rigour, public telling and intellectual thought”

Alison Phipps OBE
Professor of Languages and Intercultural Studies, University of Glasgow


Anti-racism in Education: Stories of Growing Activism

Dr Geetha Marcus

MSc Transformative Learning and Teaching