We offer world-class postgraduate taught degrees in the areas of Education and Sport, including Initial Teacher Education. Our postgraduate taught programmes Education In-personComparative Education and International DevelopmentDance Science and EducationEducation with specialist pathways in:Child and Adolescent PsychologyEarly Childhood Practice and FroebelPhilosophy of EducationResearchEducation FuturesInclusive Education with specialist pathways in:Deaf learnersVisually Impaired learnersLanguage and Intercultural CommunicationLanguage EducationOutdoor and Environmental EducationTeaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)Online learningDigital EducationSocial Justice and Community Action Teacher education Initial Teacher EducationFor graduates wishing to enter the teaching profession in Scotland at primary or secondary level, we offer the following routes.Professional Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) Primary and SecondaryProfessional learningFor practising teachers and educational leaders looking to undertake practice-focused masters level study.Academic PracticeLeadership and Learning Sport In-personPerformance PsychologyPhysical Activity for HealthSport Policy, Management and International DevelopmentStrength and ConditioningOnline learningPerformance Coaching and Development Scholarships and studentships Applicants can apply for a range of funding opportunities both from the University and external organisations. Graduate student experience and support Information, advice and guidance on our student community and on the support available during your studies with us. Information for students with disabilities For those with disabilities, or those who believe they may have a disability, we offer various types of help and support, starting pre-application and continuing throughout your time with us. Learn more about the support available Related links Chat to a current studentVirtual Visit to the University of Edinburgh Contact the postgraduate study team Postgraduate Admissions Office (Education) College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (CAHSS) Contact details Social media: Find us on the map Work: +44 (0)131 650 4086 Email: futurestudents@ed.ac.uk Campus reception The Holyrood campus reception is located in Old Moray House Nursery School. The Reception Office Opening times for in-person visits are Monday - Thursday 08:30-17:00 (19:00 during term time); Friday - 08:30-17:00 Contact details Social media: Find us on the map Work: +44 (0)131 650 4400 Email: COL@ed.ac.uk Looking for details of someone else in the School? Key Contacts in the School This article was published on 2024-10-07