With a degree in Primary Education with Gaelic, you can become a teacher in Gaelic- or English-speaking primary schools. This programme is open to both fluent speakers and learners. With a degree in Primary Education with Gaelic, you can become a teacher in Gaelic-medium primary schools. This programme is open to both fluent speakers and learners. The Gaelic language is a vital part of Scotland’s heritage, national identity and cultural life. As an official language of Scotland, Gaelic influences and shapes our literature, music, art, festivals and, of course, education. This might be the programme for you, if you: are enthusiastic and thoughtful have experience working with children in educational settings have a strong academic profile and an interest and aptitude for languages want to learn Gaelic, or are a fluent speaker who wants to consolidate your language learning have thought about how we learn and teach, and the important role schools play in today's society How to apply Visit UCAS for detailed entry requirements, fees, and to apply. Apply now on UCAS: Primary Education with Gaelic: Fluent (MA Hons) - 3T59 Apply now on UCAS: Primary Education with Gaelic: Learners (MA Hons) - 3R67 Foghlam Bun-sgoile le Gàidhlig (MA Urram)Le ceum ann am Foghlam Bun-sgoile le Gàidhlig, faodaidh tu obair mar thidsear ann am bun-sgoiltean meadhain-Ghàidhlig. Tha am prògram seo fosgailte do dh’fhileantaich agus luchd-ionnsachaidh.Tha a’ Ghàidhlig na pàirt bhunaiteach de dhualchas, fèin-aithne nàiseanta agus beatha chultarach na h-Alba. Mar chànan oifigeil na h-Alba, tha a’ Ghàidhlig a’ toirt buaidh agus cumadh air ar litreachas, ceòl, ealain, fèisean agus, gu dearbh, ar foghlam.Is dòcha gur e seo am prògram dhutsa, ma tha thu:dealasach agus smaoineachailair eòlas fhaighinn ag obair còmhla ri clann ann an suidheachaidhean foghlaimlàidir gu h-acadaimigeach le ùidh agus comas ann an cànananag iarraidh Gàidhlig ionnsachadh, no ma tha thu fileanta, airson d’ ionnsachadh cànain a neartachadha’ smaoineachadh air mar a tha sinn ag ionnsachadh agus a’ teagasg, agus a’ phàirt chudromach a tha aig sgoiltean ann an comann-sòisealta an latha an-diugh Why study Primary Education with Gaelic at Edinburgh? Moray House is one of the top schools in the world for education-related subjects. Our award-winning staff produce confident, skilful teachers who can change the lives of children and young people. Learn more about our rankings and reputation This is also the only programme of its kind in Scotland that is open to students with no background in Gaelic. Students on the Learners strand will learn Gaelic during their time on the programme. We developed this programme to help address the shortage of Gaelic teachers. It offers two key, unique features: a year-long placement in a Gaelic-Medium primary school setting dedicated courses on bilingualism and bilingual education, with a focus on Gaelic and Scotland All students taking Primary Education with Gaelic also receive a £1,000 grant from Bòrd na Gàidhlig. There are links with the Celtic department where I was able to study the history and cultural aspects of my language. Kirsty Gillanders Primary Education with Gaelic graduate You'll graduate with an internationally recognised teaching qualification. You'll be able to teach in both Gaelic and English-medium primary schools, greatly expanding your career opportunities. Eligible graduates may also join the Teacher Induction Scheme. This is a paid one-year induction post in a Scottish primary school. Moray House has close ties with the School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures. This allows our students to further explore Gaelic language and culture. During your time at Edinburgh, you can enjoy the city's vibrant Gaelic community and cultural scene. You'll find: Gaelic conversation groups fèisean for performers an annual festival, Seachdain na Gàidhlig Carson a dhèanadh tu Foghlam Bun-sgoile le Gàidhlig ann an Dùn Èideann?Is e Taigh Mhoireibh aon de na sgoiltean as fheàrr san t-saoghal airson chuspairean co-cheangailte ri foghlam. Bidh an sàr luchd-obrach againn a’ cruthachadh thidsearan misneachail, sgileil as urrainn beatha cloinne is dhaoine òga atharrachadh.Ionnsaich tuilleadh mu ar n-inbhe agus ar deagh chliù ’S e seo cuideachd an aon phrògram de a sheòrsa ann an Alba a tha fosgailte do dh'oileanaich aig nach eil eòlas sa Ghàidhlig. Ionnsaichidh oileanaich ann an sruth an Luchd-ionnsachaidh Gàidhlig fhad ’s a tha iad air a’ phrògram. Leasaich sinn am prògram seo gus dèiligeadh ri gainnead thidsearan Gàidhlig. Tha e a’ tabhann dà phrìomh fheart gun samhail:eòlas-obrach fad-bliadhna ann an suidheachadh bun-sgoile mheadhain-Ghàidhligcùrsaichean sònraichte air dà-chànanas agus foghlam dà-chànanach, le fòcas air a’ Ghàidhlig agus AlbaBidh a h-uile oileanach a tha a’ dèanamh Foghlam Bun-sgoile le Gàidhlig cuideachd a’ faighinn £1,000 bho Bhòrd na Gàidhlig.Ceumnaichidh tu le teisteanas teagaisg a tha aithnichte gu h-eadar-nàiseanta. Bidh e comasach dhut teagasg an dà chuid ann am bun-sgoiltean Gàidhlig agus Beurla, a’ leudachadh gu mòr air na cothroman dreuchdail agad. Faodaidh ceumnaichean airidh cuideachd a dhol a-steach don Sgeama Inntrigidh Luchd-teagaisg. Is e obair inntrigidh aon-bhliadhna phàighte a tha seo ann am bun-sgoil Albannach.Tha dlùth cheangal aig Taigh Mhoireibh ri Sgoil nan Litreachasan, Cànanan is Cultaran. Bheir seo cothrom do na h-oileanaich againn tuilleadh rannsachaidh a dhèanamh air cànan is cultar na Gàidhlig.Fhad ’s a tha thu ann an Dùn Èideann, gheibh thu eòlas air coimhearsnachd Ghàidhlig agus beatha chultarail bheothail a’ bhaile. Lorgaidh tu:buidhnean còmhraidh Gàidhligfèisean Gàidhlig fèis bhliadhnail, Seachdain na Gàidhlig Entry requirements We encourage applicants to gain some experience working with primary-aged children. Admission to our Initial Teacher Education (ITE) programmes is subject to GTCS guidelines regarding child protection and police checks. GTCS requires the University to carry out these checks prior to enrolment on the programme. The College Admissions office will send you details of the procedures and forms for completion when you have received an offer of a place. MA Primary Education with Gaelic (Fluent Speakers)Students must have obtained a Higher in Gàidhlig or Gaelic. You can find more information about entry requirements on our degree finder.Programme detailsProgramme fees and fundingMA Primary Education with Gaelic (Learners)Students do not need to have any previous knowledge of Gaelic when they begin their studies. You will learn the language as part of the programme. You can find more information about entry requirements on our degree finder. Programme detailsProgramme fees and fundingRiatanasan inntrigidhBidh sinn a’ brosnachadh thagraichean gus beagan eòlais fhaighinn ag obair le clann aois bun-sgoile. Tha inntrigeadh do na prògraman Foghlam Tùsail Luchd-teagaisg (ITE) againn an urra ri stiùiridhean GTCS a thaobh dìon cloinne agus sgrùdaidhean poileis. Tha GTCS ag iarraidh air an Oilthigh na sgrùdaidhean sin a dhèanamh mus clàraich oileanaich air a’ phrògram. Cuiridh Oifis Inntrigidh na Colaiste fios thugad mu na pròiseasan agus foirmean rin lìonadh nuair a gheibh thu tairgse air àite. MA Foghlam Bun-sgoile le Gàidhlig (Fileantaich)Feumaidh oileanaich a bhith air Àrd-ìre fhaighinn ann an Gàidhlig (fileantaich) neo Gàidhlig (luchd-ionnsachaidh). Gheibh thu barrachd fiosrachaidh mu na riatanasan inntrigidh leis an inneal-luirg cheumannan againn.Mion-fhiosrachadh mun phrògramCosgaisean a’ phrògraim agus maoineachadh MA Foghlam Bun-sgoile le Gàidhlig (luchd-ionnsachaidh)Chan fheum eòlas sam bith a bhith aig oileanaich air a’ Ghàidhlig nuair a thòisicheas iad air an ionnsachadh. Ionnsaichidh tu an cànan mar phàirt den phrògram.Gheibh thu barrachd fiosrachaidh mu riatanasan inntrigidh leis an inneal-luirg cheumannan againn.Mion-fhiosrachadh mun phrògramCosgaisean a’ phrògraim agus maoineachadh Structure The programme is four years for Fluent Speakers and five years for Learners. In years 1 and 2, students take courses in Gaelic language and linguistics, educational studies, and primary education. From year 3 on, students take specialist courses on Gaelic education, bilingualism, and bilingual education. Students on the Learners programme have an immersion year at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig to consolidate their Gaelic skills. University-based learning for all Initial Teacher Education (ITE) programmes takes place at our Holyrood campus. All students must be able to regularly travel to campus for in-person teaching. StructarTha am prògram a’ leantainn ceithir bliadhna airson Fhileantach agus còig bliadhna airson Luchd-ionnsachaidh.Ann am bliadhnaichean 1 agus 2, bidh oileanaich a’ dèanamh chùrsaichean ann an cànan is cànanachas na Gàidhlig, eòlas foghlaim, agus foghlam bun-sgoile.Bho bhliadhna 3 air adhart, bidh oileanaich a’ dèanamh chùrsaichean sònraichte air foghlam Gàidhlig, dà-chànanas, agus foghlam dà-chànanach. Tha bliadhna bogaidh aig oileanaich air a’ phrògram Luchd-ionnsachaidh aig Sabhal Mòr Ostaig airson an sgilean Gàidhlig a neartachadhTha ionnsachadh oilthigh a h-uile prògram Foghlam Tùsail Luchd-teagaisg (ITE) a’ tachairt air ar n-àrainn aig Taigh an Ròid. Feumaidh a h-uile oileanach a bhith comasach air siubhal chun na h-àrainn gu cunbhalach airson teagasg aghaidh ri aghaidh. Professional placements All students complete a year-long placement in a Gaelic-medium primary school. This allows students to become authentic members of the school community. Placement is in year 3 for Fluent Speakers and year 4 for Learners. Schools, local authorities and universities work together to allocate your placement in a Gaelic-medium school. The University does not permit students to arrange their own placements. Once notified of their placement school, students must find a place to live that will allow them to commute to the school each day. SPS can place students in any Gaelic-medium school in Scotland, barring exceptional circumstances. Eòlas-obrach proifeasantaNì a h-uile oileanach eòlas-obrach fad-bliadhna ann am bun-sgoil mheadhain-Ghàidhlig. Leigidh seo leotha a bhith nam fìor bhuill de choimhearsnachd na sgoile. Tha an t-eòlas-obrach ann am bliadhna 3 airson Fhileantach agus bliadhna 4 airson Luchd-ionnsachaidh.Bidh sgoiltean, ùghdarrasan ionadail agus oilthighean ag obair còmhla gus eòlas-obrach a chur air dòigh dhut ann an sgoil Ghàidhlig. Chan eil an t-Oilthigh a’ ceadachadh do dh’oileanaich an eòlasan-obrach fhèin a chur air dòigh.Nuair a gheibh iad fios mun sgoil sam bi an t-eòlas-obrach aca, feumaidh oileanaich àite-fuirich a lorg a leigeas leotha siubhal chun na sgoile gach latha. Mar as tric, faodaidh SPS oileanaich a chur ann an sgoil Ghàidhlig sam bith ann an Alba. Accreditation This is a General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS)-accredited programme. Students will be able to teach in English-medium and Gaelic-medium schools. After graduating, all UK students can register with the GTCS as provisionally qualified teachers. Eligible students are guaranteed a one-year induction post in a Scottish school. Barantachadh’S e prògram barantaichte le Comhairle Teagaisg Choitcheann na h-Alba (GTCS) a tha seo. Faodaidh oileanaich teagasg ann an sgoiltean tro mheadhan na Beurla agus tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig.Às dèidh dhaibh ceumnachadh, faodaidh a h-uile oileanach bhon RA clàradh leis an GTCS mar thidsear le teisteanas sealach. Tha oileanaich airidh a’ faighinn gealladh air obair inntrigidh aon-bhliadhna ann an sgoil Albannach. Teacher Induction Scheme (TIS) Graduates from Scotland and other parts of the UK (RUK) are eligible to join the Teacher Induction Scheme (TIS). Participation in the TIS is not compulsory. A less-structured Flexible Route is also available. International students International students may also follow the Flexible Route to complete probationary service. This is only open to students who can remain in Scotland after they complete their studies. Students from overseas can apply for a Graduate Visa on the successful completion of the programme. Please visit the University’s Graduate Visa page for more information. Graduate visa information It's important to note with a Graduate Visa beginner teachers must use the Flexible Route for their probationary year in order to teach in Scotland. Those using the Flexible Route are responsible for finding their own employment for their probationary year. More information on the Flexible Route Sgeama Inntrigidh Luchd-teagaisg (TIS)Faodaidh luchd-ceumnachaidh à Alba agus pàirtean eile den RA (RUK) a dhol an sàs ann an Sgeama Inntrigidh Luchd-teagaisg (TIS).Chan eil com-pàirt san TIS riatanach. Tha Slighe Shùbailte nach eil cho structarail ri fhaighinn cuideachd.Oileanaich eadar-nàiseanta Faodaidh oileanaich eadar-nàiseanta cuideachd an t-Slighe Shùbailte a leantainn gus seirbheis dearbhaidh a chrìochnachadh. Chan eil seo fosgailte ach do dh’oileanaich as urrainn fuireach ann an Alba às dèidh dhaibh an cuid ionnsachaidh a chrìochnachadh.Faodaidh oileanaich bho thall thairis cur a-steach airson bhìosa ceumnaiche às dèidh dhaibh am prògram a chrìochnachadh gu soirbheachail. Tadhail air duilleag Bhìosa Ceumnaiche an Oilthigh airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh.Fiosrachadh air Bhìosa Ceumnaiche Tha e cudromach toirt fa-near gum feum daoine le Bhìosa Ceumnaiche a tha a’ tòiseachadh ag obair nan tidsearan inntrigidh an t-Slighe Shùbailte a chleachdadh airson na bliadhna dearbhaidh aca a’ teagasg ann an Alba. Tha e an urra ris an fheadhainn a chleachdas an t-Slighe Shùbailte an obair aca fhèin a lorg airson na bliadhna dearbhaidh aca.Tuilleadh fiosrachaidh mun t-Slighe Shùbailte Our studentsKirsty Gillanders, a Primary Education with Gaelic graduate, talks about her time on the programme and what everyone who's thinking of applying should know.Read Kirsty's story Place2Be partnership We have a unique partnership with Place2Be, a charity that focuses on children's mental health. Working with Place2Be, we provide our student teachers with mental health resources and support. A Place2Be clinician helps our student teachers develop emotional resilience and understanding of mental health for themselves and children.Learn more about the Place2Be partnership and how it benefits our student teachersCom-pàirteachas Place2BeTha com-pàirteachas sònraichte againn le Place2Be, carthannas a tha a’ cuimseachadh air slàinte-inntinn cloinne. Ag obair le Place2Be, bidh sinn a’ toirt goireasan agus taic slàinte-inntinn dha na h-oileanaich teagaisg againn. Bidh neach-obrach clionaigeach Place2Be a’ cuideachadh ar n-oileanaich teagaisg a’ leasachadh foghainteachd fhaireachdainnean agus tuigse mu shlàinte-inntinn dhaibh fhèin agus don chloinn.Ionnsaich tuilleadh mu chom-pàirteachas Place2Be agus mar a tha e na bhuannachd do na h-oileanaich teagaisg againn Contact the Primary Education with Gaelic team / Fios thugainn Questions about your application or how to apply For enquiries about your application or how to apply, contact the Undergraduate Admissions office. Undergraduate Admissions Office College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Contact details Social media: Find 57 George Square on a map Work: +44 (0)131 650 3565 Email: CAHSS.UGAdmissions@ed.ac.uk Programme-specific questions For programme-specific enquiries, contact the Programme Director. Mona Wilson Programme Director Moray House School of Education and Sport Contact details Email: MAPrimary@ed.ac.uk Follow us on social media Teagasgaigode on XTeagasgaigode on FacebookTeagasgaigode on Instagram This article was published on 2024-10-07