Teaching and supervision

Information about our undergraduate and postgraduate taught programmes, as well as postgraduate research (PhD) studies with us.

Our teaching and supervision extend across a wide range of child and adolescent psychology areas: from the benefits of physical activity for cognitive development, to representations of neurodiversity in fiction books, to supporting children’s mental health. With our students, we explore educational issues from a psychological perspective.

We teach across a number of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, providing theoretical and practical insights into different aspects of child and adolescent development, optimal approaches to enhance teaching and learning, and ways to support students’ mental health and wellbeing. 

Undergraduate study

At undergraduate level, we provide courses within the following programmes:

Postgraduate study

Postgraduate taught degrees

At postgraduate level, we offer a popular masters degree specific to our subject area:

We also provide courses or input into other postgraduate programmes:

Postgraduate research degrees

Drawing upon our subject-specific knowledge and areas of methodological expertise, we supervise PhD students across a number of topics, including many interdisciplinary projects. For more information about studying with us, including staff members' areas of research interest and availability to supervise, please see the Postgraduate Research Degrees area of our website.