This event was sponsored by the Academy of Sport and the Global Health Academy in partnership with the Scottish Football Museum. Click on the links below to view the video of each talk.Welcome and opening remarksRobert Craig: Chair, Scottish Football MuseumGrant Jarvie: Academy of Sport, University of EdinburghAileen Campbell: MSP, former Minister for Public Health and SportPresentationsMichael Ego: A global perspective on Scottish sporting memoriesDavid Bell: Health and ageingCraig Ritchie: An insight into dementia preventionNanette Mutrie: Physical activity, mental health and dementiaQuestions and commentsShort presentationsDavies Banda: Sport and HIV educationAzucena Guzman: The power of sports memoriesMichael White: Football memories and reminiscencesHugh Dan MacLennan: Shinty MemoriesRoundtable discussion on sport, mental health and dementiaChair: Professor Liz Grant, Global Health Academy, University of EdinburghWatch onlineClosing remarksRobert Craig: Chair of the Scottish Football MuseumGrant Jarvie: Academy of Sport, University of EdinburghWatch online This article was published on 2024-10-07