Our Research Group's team members and collaborators. Our work is social scientific and emphasises the critical application and understanding of sport and society. This inquiry critiques the sport industry and sport as a social institution. It seeks to explain sport's role in society, rather than assuming its inherent goodness as a tool for achieving positive social and political outcomes.Despite some members' work within the sporting organisations, our research exists independent of the industry.We are an interdisciplinary team whose research covers areas such as management, policy, sociology, media, and history. We always seek collaboration with academics based outwith the University of Edinburgh.Members based at the University of Edinburgh NameRoleDr Pippa ChapmanLecturer in Sport Management & Sport DevelopmentDr Jung Woo LeeLecturer in Sport and Leisure PolicyDr Matthew McDowellLecturer in Sport Management and HistoryDr Louis NolteTeaching Fellow in Sports Policy and ManagementDr Guilherme NothenTeaching Fellow in Social Sciences in SportsCollaborators based outwith the University of EdinburghNameAffiliationProfessor Younghan ChoHankook University of Foreign StudiesProfessor John HorneWaseda UniversityDr Koji KobayashiOtaru University of CommerceProfessor Tien-Chin TanNational Taiwan Normal UniversityDr Friederike TrotierUniversity of Passau This article was published on 2024-10-07