One of our students talks about her time studying the Primary Education with Gaelic programme. Kirsty Gillanders, 2022 Image What do you like best about your programme? The programme considers both practical and academic aspects of teaching in Gaelic, which gives an insight into all aspects of Gaelic Medium Education. As the programme cohort is small, you get to know everyone, enabling connections with people who you will likely be working with in the future. Bidh am prògram a' beachdachadh air cùisean pragtaigeach agus cùisean acadaimigeach, a' toirt dhut geur-bheachd air saoghal tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig. Leis gu bheil àireamh nan oileanach air a’ phrògram beag, gheibh thu eòlas air a h-uile duine, a' dèanamh ceanglaichean le daoine ris am bi thu buailteach obrachadh san àm ri teachd. What would you tell someone who is thinking about applying to your programme? Be prepared to work hard. If you are learning Gaelic as a new language, this requires a lot of commitment. If you already have Gaelic, there are still a number of ways in which you can develop your language, and I would recommend making the most of the opportunities available to you in order to do so. However, as I have seen as a student on this programme, people leave with high levels of fluency. Bidh deiseil ‘son a bhith dripeil! Tha dleastanas agad a bhith a' leasachadh do chuid Ghàidhlig, mar luchd-ionnsachaidh ùr neo cuideigin aig a bheil Gàidhlig mar tha. Tha tòrr obair an lùib seo agus mholainn dhut a bhith deiseil airson brath a ghabhail air na cothroman a tha mun cuairt ort. Ged-tà, bidh daoine a' fàgail a’ phrògram le ìrean àrda de dh’fhileantachd. What made you choose Moray House School of Education and Sport? The programme offers a year long placement which enhances practical ability, whilst also allowing simultaneous development of teaching and Gaelic language skills. Additionally, there are links with the Celtic department where I was able to study the history and cultural aspects of my language. Tha am prògram a' tabhainn grèis-gnìomhachais fad bliadhna, a' leasachadh comasan pragtaigeach agus sgilean cànain aig an aon àm. A bharrachd air sin, tha ceanglaichean ann le Roinn na Ceiltis, far an robh cothrom agam a bhith ag ionnsachadh mu eachdraidh agus cultar na Gàidhlig. How do you feel your experience has better prepared you for your future career? I have a much more in-depth understanding of bilingualism and immersion education. This has allowed me to gain insight into how to teach Gaelic and the challenges that will come with this. As a result, I feel better prepared to address these areas if I experience them in the future. Tha barrachd tuigse agam air dà-chànanas, foghlam bogaidh agus na dùbhlain a thig an cois foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig. Le sin, tha mi faireachdainn nas ullaichte dèiligeadh leotha, mas e gun nochd iad air mo bheulaibh san àm ri teachd. Watch a playlist of language programme testimonials This article was published on 2024-10-07