Study outdoors from Edinburgh to the Scottish Highlands at one of the world's best Schools of education and sport. For over 50 years, the Outdoor and Environmental Education programmes have been about learning, living and educating in the outdoors. As we continue a legacy of excellence and innovation, we are reshaping our offering to adapt to the needs of our changing world and the pressing issues of environmental sustainability, justice and activism.The MSc Outdoor and Environmental Education programme preserves the quality and depth of education provided by a world-ranked University and prepares you for a future where environmental consciousness is at the forefront of global priorities. The programme focuses on historical and contemporary approaches to outdoor, environmental, adventure and sustainability education. Outdoor and Environmental Education is a broad inter-disciplinary field with many potential directions and career opportunities in the sector. The programme aims to train graduates for a growing range of careers in the public, charitable and commercial sectors, and for formal and informal education in the UK and overseas. Apply now Applications are open for September 2025 entry.Visit the University’s Degree Finder for detailed entry requirements, fees, international grade equivalency, language requirements and to apply. Discovery Day - Wednesday 19 February Join Programme Director Gavin Mackenzie for an online information session, where he will give a brief overview of the MSc Outdoor and Environmental Education followed by an opportunity to ask your questions. Wednesday 19 February 2025, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm (GMT) This session will take place online and is part of the University's Discovery Day. Register now: Discovery Day session What you will study You’ll take a range of compulsory courses, a professional development programme, along with a final dissertation or applied project, to complete 180 credits.Taught courses take place in Edinburgh and at bases across Scotland. From these bases, you will live and learn in the outdoors. Learning takes the form of lectures, seminars, group discussions, student presentations, field courses, residential courses, self-study and work experience or practicum. This Masters programme culminates in the opportunity to undertake a dissertation or applied research project, where you will have the chance to identify and deeply examine a topic which interests you. Compulsory coursesFoundations of Outdoor and Environmental Education Outdoor Environmental Education: Concept-Based PracticePlace-Based Education and Outdoor Learning in the City Education for Environmental Citizenship Outdoor and Environmental Education PraxisEcology and Field StudiesProfessional Development ProgrammeThe Professional Development Programme (PDP) is an integral part of the Masters programme. It combines the theory and practice of outdoor and environmental education in residential, journeying and workplace situations. It also offers unique opportunities to live and learn in Scotland’s land and seascapes. Core elements may include: CanoeingSummer hill-walking Winter hill-walking Sea kayaking Placement (20-day) Rock climbing Firbush Outdoor CentreFirst AidProfessional Development Programme pageDissertation or Applied ProjectAll of our Masters students will complete a dissertation or project that allows you to demonstrate your ability to reflect on and apply the knowledge you have gained through the programme. Career opportunities The modern world is changing rapidly, but our commitment remains strong: to deliver high-quality education and practical experiences in Scotland’s inspiring landscapes. Your journey with us is not just about what you learn today, but how you help us to shape tomorrow. Together we will work towards forging a path toward a sustainable future, informed by 50 years of experience and fuelled by a shared commitment to our planet. Our programme is directed towards those interested in environmental and sustainability education, teaching in the outdoors, adventure education, expeditions, and personal and social development through outdoor experiences, conservation work, informal and non-formal sectors.Explore careers in Outdoor and Environmental Education Using the outdoors as a teaching and learning environment while promoting sustainable thinking and practice has never been more important and this course has given me the skills and confidence to feel that my practice in this area will help make a positive difference. Andy Macbeth, graduate Our community Students range from young adults who have recently completed undergraduate degrees to professionals returning to study after several years, and in some cases even decades, working in the field.Our graduate network is a diverse, global community of over 800 alumni working and making an impact in a wide range of roles in the outdoor and environmental education sector.Some Masters students go on to PhD study and collaborate with us in their research.PhD community Meet our students Reshna Alex 'The programme was more than technical skills, focusing on the foundations of what it means to be an educator. We experience, reflect and learn as individuals and as a group. There is a lot to learn and knowledge within the diverse group. The programme team is supportive and encourages you to explore as much as you can during this process.' Charlotte Megret 'The combination of academic courses and practical courses (especially residential ones) created plenty of opportunities to observe and reflect on different teaching practices. The courses were all very different, and I thoroughly enjoyed that diversity as I believed they helped me reflect and improve my own practice.' Peter Wooding 'The course has given me the confidence to challenge old, outdated practices. I have refined my critical thinking, and this has influenced the course I now design, plan and teach.' Hear from more of our students 50 years of expert teaching 2022 marked the 50th anniversary of the Outdoor and Environmental Education postgraduate programmes at the University of Edinburgh. This has been a springboard for the development of wider engagement and alumni activities. Fees and funding Details of our tuition fees, as well as the scholarships and funding available to help you pursue your ambitions.Tuition fees and costsAnnual tuition fees are listed on the Postgraduate Study Programme Fees pages related to your desired exit level and duration of study.MSc Outdoor and Environmental Education - (Full-time)Scholarships and fundingScholarship opportunities are subject to change each year. Students are encouraged to seek out funding opportunities from the University and external funding bodies. More information about available scholarships and funding can be found on our Scholarships and Studentships page.Scholarships and studentshipsYou can search for scholarships using the University's Scholarship Search tool.Scholarship search Programme director and teaching team Gavin Mackenzie Programme Director, Outdoor and Environmental Education Contact details Email: Web: Staff profile The faculty in the MSc programme were instrumental in my career development. They challenged me to think more critically about our field and my own practice. I frequently refer back to the lessons I learned at Edinburgh as I plan and facilitate my own courses. Jerry Isaak, graduate Teaching teamOur teaching staff are experts in the field and dedicated to maintaining the world-class standards our programmes are known for.Programme directorGavin Mackenzie, Programme Director for Outdoor and Environmental EducationCore teaching teamDr Beth Christie, Senior Lecturer Professor Pete Higgins, Professor of Outdoor, Environmental and Sustainability EducationProfessor Robbie Nicol, Professor of Place-Based EducationDr Heidi Smith, Lecturer in Outdoor and Environmental EducationWider teaching teamDr Ramsey Affifi, LecturerProf Heather Prince, Associate TutorDr Roger Scrutton, Honorary Research Fellow in Outdoor EducationNeil Smith, Associate Tutor Contact us We look forward to hearing from you with any enquiries about our programmes. Contact the Outdoor and Environmental Education team Admissions enquiries Postgraduate Admissions Office (Education) College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (CAHSS) Contact details Social media: Find us on the map Email: This article was published on 2024-10-07