Find out about upcoming events taking place in the Language(s), Interculturality and Literacies Thematic Hub. Event listing Search Event date Date from Date to Mar 27 2025 16.00 - 17.00 Neural Correlates of reading performance in bilingual and monolingual dyslexic individuals: Insights from fMRI and fNIRS In this LIL seminar, Dr Aline Fay de Azevedo and medical student, Mr Bernardo Fay Avila, will present their work. Language, Interculturality and Literacies Research events Further information Further information Past events You can explore past events on our Padlet site. Information about previous seminars can be found in the column marked '22/24 LIL Hub Seminar Series'.Visit the Padlet site LIL Hub Seminars View recordings of our previous seminars:Professor Frank Giraldo: Researching Language Teachers' Assessment LiteracyOfelia García: Meanings and ConvergencesProfessor Tony Liddicoat: Incorporating critical reflection in intercultural language teaching and learningMalba Barahona: 'We are not superheroines' - Exploring preservice EFL teachers' conceptions of professional responsibilityProfessor Mario E. Lopez-Gopar: Mexican student-teachers' decolonizing praxicum in COVID TimesPeter De Costa: Bridging the researcher-practitioner divide through community-engaged action researchBonny Norton: From the African storybook to global storybooks - A decolonial identity project?Dr Ashley Simpson in conversation with Prof Zhu Hua on rethinking culture through translation and translanguagingProfessor John O'Regan in dialogue with Dr Ashley Simpson on a Marxist-Realist perspective for critical applied linguisticsLanguage planning in Scotland: Institutional plans, civil society and government engagement 2024 Motivation and attitude variation in Chilean primary English language learners from state-run schools in Concepción, ChileDate: 25 Jan 2024Speaker: Dr. Inostroza Araos, teacher educator at Universidad de ConcepciónDr Matthew Prior: The Critical Work of Emotion Labor in Language Education ResearchDate: 22 Feb 2024Speaker: Dr Matthew Prior, Associate Professor and Director of Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, and TESOL Programs in the Department of English at Arizona State UniversityLIL hub seminar series: Dr Nate Ming CurranDate: 7 March 2024Speaker: Dr Nate Ming Curran, Assistant Professor in the Department of English and Communication at Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityResearching Language Teachers' Assessment Literacy: A Synthesis of Research Studies in ColombiaDate: 14 March 2024Speaker: Professor Frank GiraldoLanguage Policy and Activism beyond AcademiaDate: 2 May 2024Presentation 1: The European Language Equality Network: the campaign for Europe's minoritised and endangered languages.Speaker: Dr Davyth Hicks, Secretary-General, European Language Equality Network (ELEN)Presentation 2: Challenging monolingual perspectives in a South American multilingual border regionSpeaker: Dr. Isis Ribeiro Berger, Associate Professor at UNIOESTE (Western Paraná State University, Brazil)Presentation 3: Language Policy Confidential: Seen and Unseen Work in the Service of MultilingualismSpeaker: Professor Francis M. Hult, University of Maryland, Baltimore County 2023 A Cartography of Language Teacher Educator MotivationDate: 3 March 2023Speaker: Dario Luis Banegas, Lecturer in Education at Moray House School of Education and SportRespondents:Richard Chinn (Kings College London, UK) Takuya Kawamura (Hokuriku University, Japan) LIL Hub Seminar Series: Fiona Copland on English as a school subjectDate: 9 March 2023Speaker: Fiona Copland, Professor of TESOL at the University of WarwickPromoting inclusive multilingual classrooms through an ELF perspective (on campus event)Date: 23 March 2023Speaker: Lili CavalheiroChair: Madeleine CampbellThe experience of trauma in domestic migrant workers’ storytelling: Sociolinguistic and psychological perspectivesDate: 9 Oct 2023Speaker: Professor Hans Ladegaard, Professor of the Department of English and Communication at the Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityChair: Dr Ashley SimpsonEnglish for academic purposes (EAP) language teacher wellbeingDate: 2 Nov 2023Speaker: Christine Muir, Assistant Professor in Second Language Acquisition at the School of English, University of NottinghamFirst Online TILTED Conference 2023: Towards intersectionality in language teacher education: First stepsDate: 17 Nov 2023 2022 Seminar: Rethinking culture through translation and translanguagingDate: 3 March 2022Speakers:Zhu Hua, Professor of Language Learning and Intercultural Communication at The Institute of Education, UCLDr Ashley Simpson, Lecturer in Language Education at The University of EdinburghWatch a recording of the Rethinking Culture seminarSeminar: From the African Storybook to Global Storybooks: A Decolonial Identity Project?Date: 31 March 2022Speaker: Dr. Bonny Norton (FRSC), University Killam Professor and Distinguished University Scholar in the Department of Language and Literacy Education, University of British Columbia, CanadaKey resources (open access):African StorybookGlobal StorybooksWatch a video recording of the Storybooks seminar (on Zoom)Seminar: Word and ImageDate: 6 April 2022Speakers:Susie Leiper, painter and calligrapherRichard Andrews, writer and academic Seminar: Ethical complexities when researching motivation in language educationDate: 5 May 2022Speaker: Ema Ushioda, Professor and Head of the Department of Applied Linguistics, University of WarwickSexual and Gender Diversity in EFL Education: Common grounds, new pathways, critical encountersDate: 9 June 2022Speaker: Thorsten Merse, Professor of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Education at the University of Duisburg-Essen, GermanyCo-operative Learning in the Foreign Language ClassroomDate: 21 June 2022Speaker: Andreas Bonnet, Professor of TEFL at the University of Hamburg, GermanyEMI Research: A chronological overviewDate: 23 June 2022Speaker: Joyce Kling, PhD, associate professor at the University of CopenhagenSeminar: Bridging the researcher–practitioner divideDate: 15 Sept 2022Speaker: Peter I. De Costa, Associate Professor in the Department of Linguistics, Languages and Cultures and the Department of Teacher Education at Michigan State UniversityView a recording of the Bridging the Divide seminar (on Zoom)Seminar: Student-Teachers’ Decolonizing Praxicum in COVID TimesDate: 29 Sept 2022Speaker: Mario López-Gopar (Ph.D., OISE/University of Toronto), professor at the Facultad de Idiomas of Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca, MexicoView the recording of the Decolonizing Praxicum talk'We are not superheroines': exploring preservice EFL teachers' conceptions of professional responsibilityDate: 13 Oct 2022Speaker: Malba Barahona, Associate Professor at Facultad de Educación at Universidad Católica de ChileIncorporating critical reflection in intercultural language teaching and learningDate: 1 Dec 2022Speaker: Professor Tony Liddicoat, Professor in the Department of Applied Linguistics at the University of Warwick and Adjunct Professor in Justice and Society at the University of South Australia 2021 Prof Fred Dervin in conversation with Dr Ashley SimpsonDate: 16 Dec 2021Speakers: Fred Dervin, Professor of Multicultural Education at the University of Helsinki, Finland Ashley Simpson, Lecturer in Language Education at the University of Edinburgh This article was published on 2025-01-23