Scottish providers of Initial Teacher Education produce report on measuring quality

Comprehensive study of Scottish Initial Teacher Education finds graduates have high levels of confidence and self-efficacy.

The most comprehensive Initial Teacher Education (ITE) study in Scotland to date, the Measuring Quality in Initial Teacher Education (MQuITE) report, was a study carried out over a six-year period; involving co-investigators from all 11 University providers of ITE. The aim was to understand how quality could be measured in ITE, and how aspects of quality differed across ITE routes.


Graduates of ITE programmes across Scotland show stable and high levels of confidence and self-efficacy, and show higher than average (OECD) positive orientations towards remaining in teaching. The report also recommended that student teachers be given choices for professional learning in their induction year, rather than a ‘one size fits all’ approach.


Funded by the Scottish Government and supported by the General Teaching Council for Scotland and the Scottish Council of Deans of Education, the project collected data from various groups involved within ITE from 2018 – 2022. ITE graduates completed annual surveys alongside school and university-based teacher educators, and there were focus groups with school mentors, leaders, and local authority probation managers.


MQuITE - Measuring Quality in Initial Teacher Education

Teacher Education at Moray House