The MSc Language Education programme is distinctive. It offers a diverse, research-driven perspective on real-world problems in language education, policy, interculturality and pluriliteracies. The courses draw on a robust theoretical foundation to develop knowledge and critical awareness of practical issues in how we teach, learn and use languages in a context that’s both global and locally minded. We aim to enable and inspire future-thinking, evidence-informed practitioners as agents of change. This highly flexible programme encompasses all languages and is suitable for both experienced and novice language teachers. Capitalising on the University of Edinburgh’s unparalleled research expertise, you will have access to a wide breadth of research themes to cater for your academic interests and career aspirations. Apply now Visit the University’s Degree Finder for detailed entry requirements, fees, international grade equivalency, language requirements and to apply. What you will study Masters degrees at the University of Edinburgh comprise 180 credits. The first 120 credits are made up of taught courses. Students who achieve an average mark of 50% or more can continue to the dissertation component, which makes up the final 60 credits of the programme. Successfully completing all 180 credits leads to the award of MSc. You may study this programme full-time. Courses You will complete five compulsory and two option courses. You may choose option courses that match your personal interest in the field of language education. Compulsory courses Language and the Learner (20 credits)Languages, Society and Education (20 credits)Professional Practice (20 credits)The Sources of Knowledge: Understanding and analysing research literature (10 credits)Conceptualising Research: Foundations, Assumptions and Praxis (10 credits) Option courses You will choose two option courses. Option courses may include: Bilingual Education (20 credits)Critical Literacies and Critical Pedagogies in L1 and L2 contexts (20 credits)Corpus Linguistics and Language Teaching (20 credits)Evaluation and Design of TESOL Materials (20 credits)Investigating Individual Learner Differences (20 credits)Intercultural Language Learner Identity (20 credits)Language Awareness for Second Language Teachers (20 credits)Language Testing (20 credits)Online Language Learning (20 credits)Second Language Teacher Education (20 credits)Teaching Languages to Young Learners (20 credits)Teaching texts across borders - from picture books to teenage fiction and film (20 credits)Text, Discourse and Language Teaching (20 credits)Please note that courses and course content may change each year. Course descriptions (2024-25) Dissertation Once you successfully complete your taught courses, you will produce an independently researched dissertation. Your dissertation will further develop your research skills and knowledge in a specific field of interest. You may choose the area you want to specialise in, and you will be allocated a supervisor with expertise in that area. Examples of previous dissertation topics include: Bridging the gap between theory and practice? English teachers’ attitudes towards global Englishes at a Chinese Middle School. Young learners’ attitudes towards Mandarin teaching activities in a Scottish primary school A study investigating the value of visual aids in language learning in relation to the learners’ use of language learning strategies (LLS) in the context of Japanese vocabulary acquisition at beginners’ level An Investigation into the Attitudes of Polish Tutors Towards Their Instructional Materials for Teaching Polish as a Foreign Language Selling Core French in Ontario: Practitioner Perspectives of L2 Motivation Teaching and learning We aim to create an inclusive teaching and learning environment that sees linguistic and cultural diversity as a resource. Taught courses usually include: Lectures: A member of the teaching team presents key theories and practices on a given topic. Lectures are attended by students from the whole programme and remain interactive. Workshops: Students meet in smaller groups with a tutor to check their understanding of key theories and principles, and explore creative ways of applying theories to practice. Pre-workshops: Students meet before workshops, without a tutor, to engage in independent learning with peers. Autonomous learning: The weekly schedule allows students to critically read course materials and journal articles as well as prepare tasks relevant to each course. The MSc Language Education offers a variety of assessments, including essays, presentations and reflective diaries. Students receive regular verbal feedback from their tutor and peers throughout the course, as well as written feedback on a piece of assessment at the end of the course. We also value students’ feedback on all our courses, which helps us improve our programme. 课程设置覆盖了语言教育的很多方面,这恰恰为我继续深造提供了方向。The curriculum covers many aspects of language education, which provides the direction for me to continue my studies. Hao Zhang MSc graduate and current PhD candidate at the University of Edinburgh Support for your studies You will have access to a range of support services if you need them throughout your degree.We will assign you to a Student Advisor in your first few weeks at Edinburgh. This should be the first person to contact if you need help. They can guide you to other University service teams depending on what support you need.Support for your studies Support from your programme We are a friendly and supportive team. We offer weekly sessions where we provide you with general support and introduce you to: fundamental academic skills such as critical reading and using databases to search for literatureUniversity services such as the career service, the counselling service, the Institute for Academic Development A diverse, interdisciplinary, and vibrant academic community This programme enables you to gain intellectual and practical skills to engage with Language Education and Applied Linguistics research to improve practice or as part of interdisciplinary research. Besides offering cutting-edge teaching informed by the latest developments in the field, our academic staff members include internationally renowned researchers actively publishing in the areas of:Bi-, Multi-, and Plurilingualism and complex literaciesCorpus linguistics, data-driven learning, conversation and discourse analysisIntercultural Communication, intersectionality, and inclusive language educationPsychology, Sociology, and the Science of Language EducationVocabulary learning, teaching, and assessmentLanguage learner strategies and evidence-based strategy instructionHeritage language educationLanguage AssessmentResearch methods in Language Education and Applied linguisticsSpatial Literacies and Plurilingual pedagogiesCLIL: Content and Language Integrated Learning and other holistic methodologiesVisit the Language(s), Interculturality and Literacies research hubLanguage Education staffStudents also benefit from the unique opportunity to observe real language classes and visit schools in Scotland. Our students: Sakino Kelbie 'I particularly enjoyed designing my own research, where I was able to put together what I had learned from the courses on research methods. Having finished my dissertation, I definitely feel empowered.' School rankings The Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021 results place us as Scotland’s top-ranked institution for Education-related research breadth and quality. We're also 1st in Scotland for Education (2024 Complete University Guide) and 12th in the world in the 2024 QS World University Ranking by subject: Education and Training.Explore our rankings and reputation Our students The MSc Language Education programme welcomes on average around 100 students a year. Students come from all over the world, representing a number of countries, including Greece, China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Taiwan, the UK, and others. Xiaohuan Hao 'Many courses in language teaching are integrated with sociological theory. This has enabled me to think about students, education and society on a broader level.' Daniel Rocha 'The workshop discussions were ... one of my favourite parts since, through so many culturally different perspectives, there was so much to learn and share.' Georgie Thorman 'The broad nature of the programme really appealed to me - the fact that it was 'language education' not 'teaching English' meant that it would leave doors open to potentially teaching [another language] in the future.' Hear from more students on the MSc Language Education programme Careers With a strong foundation in Language Education, our graduates are well positioned to transition into a wide range of academic and professional careers, including but not limited to:further development as an academic in Language Education through PhD or other relevant positionslanguage teaching with analytical, critical and future-thinking mindsetswork or research in teacher education, course and material development, language and discourse analysis, language assessment and policyopportunities to investigate languages in a variety of professional settings, such as media, policy and culture Having received a wealth of fascinating knowledge during the MSc Language Teaching, my current job has been entirely transformed. The methods professors used in class were absolutely unprecedented in Asian classes. I now use them in my own teaching. Chenwei Hung Programme Director of a foreign language school in Taipei Careers Service The University of Edinburgh's Careers Service supports all current students (and graduates for up to 2 years) to develop their potential and achieve satisfying and rewarding futures.Join in and make use of:individual appointmentsgroup sessionswider campus-based activityonline services and resourcesWe also deliver a diverse programme of face-to-face and online events throughout the academic year.Visit the Careers Service website Fees and funding Tuition fees and costs Annual tuition fees are listed on the Postgraduate Study Programme Fees pages related to your desired exit level and duration of study.MSc Language Education - 1 Year (Full-time) Scholarships and funding Scholarship opportunities are subject to change each year. We are pleased to offer a number of School-specific scholarships, but students are encouraged to seek out opportunities from the University and external funding bodies.More information about available scholarships and funding can be found on our Scholarships and Studentships page.Scholarships and studentships Contact us Programme-specific enquiriesFor programme-specific enquiries, contact the Programme Director. Dr Csaba Szabo Programme Director Moray House School of Education and Sport Contact details Email: Web: Staff profile This MSc gave me a chance to learn from professionals. The lecturers, who have been language teachers for many years, shared not only their theoretical knowledge but also their own experiences with students. Angelika Kisioł Pre-school Education, English Teacher The MSc Language Education team The Language Education team is made of language professionals and researchers with expertise in a wide variety of areas. We are a multilingual and multicultural team and we have worked all over the globe in the field of Language Education. Our staff pages showcase our individual expertise and research activities. Dr Csaba Szabo, Acting Programme DirectorDr Farah AkbarDr Maryam AlMohammadDr Darío Luis BanegasDr Florence Bonacina-PughDr Madeleine CampbellDr Seongsook ChoiDr Sal ConsoliProfessor Do CoyleDr Maria DasliJanet de VigneDr Jite EferakorhoDr Yvonne FoleyDr Kenneth FordyceDr Charlotte (Charlie) KempDr Lindsay KnoxMeg MacleanDr Claudia RosenhanDr Vander VianaDr Annie YangDr Samaneh Zandian Questions about your application or how to apply For enquiries about your application or how to apply, contact the Postgraduate Admissions office. Postgraduate Admissions Office (Education) College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (CAHSS) Contact details Email: Web: Find us on the map Related ProgrammesMSc Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)MSc EducationMSc Inclusive EducationMSc Language and Intercultural Communication This article was published on 2025-03-12