Find out about our postgraduate students and their research, grouped here by research thematic hub. Advanced Quantitative Research in Education Marifatul AmaliaInequalities in science education - Using PISA data to investigate the role of family and school factorsNimra ArshadThe effectiveness of aquatic exercises for chronic nonspecific low back painPeter Barlow Disentangling the importance of individual, family and neighbourhood factors on educational outcomes using sibling dataYin ChanThe phenomenon of sexual violence against children in Hong Kong from the perspective of frontline workers in child protectionMustafa CiftciogluCan an 'online data literacy teacher training with professional network' support teachers' pedagogical beliefs and data education practices in the classroom?Barbara Dzieciatko- SzendreiMaking sense of teachers' communities of practice with social and epistemic network analysisCagla ErgulInvestigating inclusive education for children identified as having special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) by focusing on social communication and participation for the educational and sociological domainVanessa Fernandez VidueiraChronotypes in adolescence: The impact of chronotypes on performance in adolescentsHamish GornallScottish Rugby Union Tackle Height Law Change and Injury Surveillance StudyJingting HuExamining transnational higher education from staff perceptions of their academic roles in a Sino-foreign universityYuqing HuangInternational mobility of young scholars: Motivations, realities and retention mechanisms from a glonacal perspectiveYan LiangGender inequality in higher education in China: A comparative analysis between Eastern and Western ChinaCarleigh SlaterPeer perceptions of violent behaviour studentsQianhui Sun Should we combine data-driven learning and tasked-based language teaching for lower-level learners? Exploring the attitudes of students and teachers towards the synergy.Felicia SzlobodaDeveloping a framework of children's human rights indicators for ScotlandJiayang Wang Intergenerational income mobility and its implication to education policy: The case of ChinaXuande WuCulture shock, acculturation and second language learning motivation: an analytical study of Chinese international students pursuing a masters degree at higher education institutions in ScotlandYanru XinThe effect of content and language integrated learning courses on English undergraduates' intercultural communicative competenceYuchong ZhangExploring factors influencing Chinese students' LOTE motivational selves Children and Young People Sara AbahussainExploring the impacts of public kindergarten expansion project in relation to class equity in the kingdom of Saudi ArabiaLuke AddisonBringing children's voices to the fore of 'Learning for Sustainability'Ruth BarnesExploring children’s agency, parental consent and children's views and experiences of wellbeing in elite sportSerif CakirayExploring the barriers to inclusion which are embedded within the socio-ecological systems of refugee children with disabilities: A socio-ecological analysisYin ChanThe phenomenon of sexual violence against children in Hong Kong from the perspective of frontline workers in child protectionJustina (Tina) ChikezieInfluence of Parenting on Behavioural Disturbances among Students in Secondary Schools in NigeriaBethan DaviesHow has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted on Scottish childminders and their services?Carolina EchegarayHealing, love and kindness: Revaluing indigenous knowledge for preventing and responding to harm and abuseMiranda EodanableFetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: An exploration of professionals’ and young people’s views on diagnosisRimin JohnsonComparative case study on law enforcement responses to child sexual abuse in Scotland and India (State of Kerala)Alkisti KallinikouBeing and Belonging: Exploring 'otherness' in contemporary fantasy literature (working title)Anastasia KalokyriAn Ethnography on the School Experiences of Secondary School Students with ADHD in Scotland: Moving Towards an Intersectional Approach to InclusionSherzod KhaydarovThe role of international branch campuses in stimulating international research collaboration in UzbekistanMinkyung KwonGender perspectives of South Korean students in designing sex educationLiz LattoThe politics of professionalisation: The changing roles of practitioners within early learning and childcareBoshi LiuSix-to-eight-year-old Chinese children's participation in choosing hobbiesTao LiuA study on children's human rights under the kindergarten education context in ChinaQirong LuoThe predicament of Chinese high school studentsBecky McGinneyExploring the potential of the Autism Practice Improvement Framework (APIF) to support autistic pupils' educational experiences and inclusionKyleigh MelvilleNeurodivergent students' experiences with multi-sensory environments in schools: A participatory action research approachZarina MuminovaParental engagement in young children’s learning in rural TajikistanEwajesu OkewumiChildren's participatory rights and decision makingKonstantina Papaspyropoulou"Play, play-based learning, playful learning": Which term would Froebel use? An exploration of the influential factors that contribute to the development of different play opportunities in the early years in GlasgowXuanyi RenThe understandings and practices of Chinese young people's participation in the contextFatemeh SadeghiA socially and culturally compatible ECE curriculum: A narrative approach to employing the sociocultural features of a context while adapting international curriculums and teacher training courses in IranElena SantiNarrative fiction as a mirror and a window: Exploring adolescents' reading experiencesPavithra SarmaEarly years in Scotland: An exploration of 'race', class, gender and coloniality in child-centred learning within home-educating communities of colourPriyambada SealThe impact of the climate crisis on school education: Perspectives and voices of adolescent tribal girls in IndiaCarleigh SlaterPeer perceptions of violent behaviour studentsFelicia SzlobodaDeveloping a framework of children's human rights indicators for ScotlandYiran (Rennie) WangAnti-racism education beyond schooling: A study of how children and young people in Scotland develop racial-ethnic understandings through interactions with the social worldCharlotte WebberTackling the drop-off: Understanding the teenage reading experienceLaura WeinerUnderstanding American out-of-school youth development policies and practice through young people, practitioners and discourse theoryYi YanInvolving children from minority ethnic groups in constructing children's human rights indicators: Take Scottish Chinese children as an exampleZoe (Rong) YanPeer rejection, teacher-children relationships and ADHD in the classroomRoss YoungThesis title TBC Digital Education Can Eda AliciWould children's computational thinking skills affect their peer relationships?Stuart AllanEnmeshed experiences? Enactments of digital pedagogy in an international online MBAIbtisam AlrushaidiInvestigating the influence of digital writing tools on student writing performance, autonomy and academic integrityGiorgi AmirkhanashviliPedagogical methods and approaches for teaching data literacy to children at early primary level in ScotlandNik Nur Athirah Binti Nik Mohd ArifESL instructors' attitudes and challenges in integrating AR technology for teaching writingElma AticPerforming Future Imaginary of Data-driven University: Case Study of Qatar UniversityCarlos Ortegon BanoyThesis title TBCSharon BoydPlace-responsive higher education at a distanceMustafa CiftciogluCan an 'online data literacy teacher training with professional network' support teachers' pedagogical beliefs and data education practices in the classroom?Raúl Gómez HernándezThe communication of cultural heritage among European students. A comparative international analysis of museums, collections, and university archives in Edinburgh and Madrid.Cathy HillsBlinding data: exploring data epistemologies in schoolNick HoodCircles around the grit: An enquiry into multi-modal pedagogyWan Faizatul Azirah IsmayatimExploring ESL lecturers' synchronous and asynchronous corrective feedback strategies on students' learning of academic writing via computer-mediated environmentNicola KiernanMind over matter: Digital STEM education... child's play?Shikha KumariEmerging digital technologies and their influence in higher education: A sociomateriality approachPei-Yu (Joy) LanA sociotechnical imaginary of digital education in TaiwanKeqi LiA mixed-method research on how to apply artificial intelligence to assist teachers on educational assessment in ChinaFuji LyuInnovating ethics education using Game Theory: Creating and testing design principles for education games and interactive environments to teach ethicsMeenakshi ManiThe limits of algorithmic intelligence: Artificial Intelligence in K-12 classroomsAgnes MichalczykAugmented identities: Immersive media and heritage in historic CairoJack ReedThe Influence of mobile devices and social media on the transfer of learning in residential outdoor experiencesAlvaro Nicolas RuizOpen educational resources: a model for educational equity in rural ColombiaClare ThomsonTensions in reflective practice: Exploring the everyday reflective work of undergraduate medical students, an institutional ethnographySiqi Wang Ethical considerations for the use of artificial intelligence in education Yu (Jade) WangSpeculative design with generative AI: future forms of collaborative imagination and interdisciplinary learning interaction Chen WuProblematising the use of digital media in parent-practitioner collaboration: A Chinese perspective Language, Interculturality and Literacies Ezra James AlexanderLanguage editing, norm-formation and standard English in research publications by non-L1 writers of EnglishRabab AlhaddabEvaluating the use of portfolios as an assessment tool for students writing in Arabic as a second languageKawla AlhamadThe impact of Augmented Reality (AR) books on the reading comprehension and reading enjoyment of struggling readersAlia AljoofiWhat do you mean by "you rock"? Implementation of pragmatics in EFL classroom: A rramework for teaching pragmatics in Saudi Arabia.Xueting BanPragmatic competence and professional teaching performance: A longitudinal mixed-method studyXiuxiu [Daisy] BaoAn investigation into the factors of mentoring undergraduates in research projects: A faculty motivation perspectiveFiona BowieMeasuring the impact of Covid-19 on Gaelic language acquisition in the primary school within Gaelic-medium immersion settingsMichael BudzenskiEnglish language opportunities and challenges in online English Medium (EM) classrooms in higher education: A multiple case studyMaggie ChanRepresentations and stereotypes of Special Educational Needs and disabilities in picture booksJun ChenEffects of process approach on the reducing of writing anxiety of college students in ChinaSiyan ChenInteraction between emotion and strategy use in Chinese international students' vocabulary learningSuling ChenA Foucauldian-informed discourse analysis of creativity in college English teaching in ChinaXueqi ChenInterdisciplinary and paradigmatic influences on lexical bundles in research articles Zhiying ChenExploring Teacher Cognition of Chinese EFL Teachers in Listening TeachingSakie Chiba-MooneyHeritage identity and language development: The role of extra-curricular activities in Japanese complementary school in ScotlandBeatrice Clegg"Maybe we can have a try." Chinese-English hedging devices and native English teacher attitudes in the university context.Mariel DelunaSecondary school modern language teachers' perspectives on "race" and language: Racializing languages in Scottish educationLeila EerikainenLanguaging for thinking in scienceYuyan GaoL2 teacher motivation in Chinese senior high schools: A complex dynamic systems theory (CDST) perspectiveCaroline GordonMeasuring the impact of the Scottish Government's 1+2 language policy on multilingualism in terms of the connection between language, culture, identity and belonging. Kelli HanmanMidwest United States teachers and their preparedness for the changing diversity in their classroomsJesús Hernández GonzálezAcademic literacies for deeper learning: A longitudinal study of CLIL in primary science classroomsJingting HuExamining transnational higher education from staff perceptions of their academic roles in a Sino-foreign universityMingzheng HuExploring student rationales for continuing or changing different TNE study pathways (4+0, 3+1, or 2+2) in a Chinese cooperative universityAfidatul HusniyahCreativity in Indonesian EFL contexts: Bridging theory, policy and practiceEojin JangWhy do they leave Korea?: Derrida's 'Hospitality' and habitus of International students in KoreaFumika KoshibaWhich motivational strategies should EFL teachers select to motivate Japanese high school students? Developing the criteria for the selection depending on students' intrinsic motivation level.Hao LiThe transmission of cultural values in bilingual teaching at KS1-KS2Xuan LiAn ethnographic study of how Chinese secondary-school ESL learners construct their identity through engagement with modern English literary worksQi LiuAn investigation of oral and written corrective feedback in bilingual education classrooms in China: A teacher and student feedback literacy perspective with an ecological lensYanghe LiuTeacher continuing professional development in Shared Learning Spaces: Providing feedback in technology-assisted English language teaching contextHang LuThe disparity between urban and rural English education in basic education and foreign language education policies in China: The Influence of neoliberalism, the commodification of language and fetishismLisa MacdonaldAn t-Ionnsachadh Òg: Positive pedagogies for Gaelic 0-3 groupsCamila Marchant OrellanaAn ethnographic study of the teaching and learning of English as a Foreign Language in Chile: Concomitantly contributing to social inequality?Zixuan NiuEnhancing Critical Literacy through Project-Based Learning in Chinese Middle School English ClassesGiulia PintonThe experience of PGT international students: Collaborative learning and intercultural communication in online settingsLianya QiuStakeholders’ perspectives on the curriculum in complementary schools: A comparative case study of Polish and Chinese complementary schools in EdinburghYi SangThesis title TBCJingyao ShiAn action research on how CSL teachers’ intercultural teaching practice develop students' intercultural competenceChen SuA research proposal concerning the influence of intercultural education on the formation of language learners' identity in Chinese universitiesQianhui Sun Should we combine data-driven learning and tasked-based language teaching for lower-level learners? Exploring the attitudes of students and teachers towards the synergy.Xiaomei SunA longitudinal study of extensive reading implementation in Chinese secondary schoolsJiaqi TianHow would they deal with it? Chinese pre-service EFL teachers' perspectives on engaging sexual identity issues in ChinaYi TianElite education in the age of ‘common prosperity’: A multiple-case study of internationalized schools in Shanghai, ChinaHuixin WangAn in-depth analysis of teachers' directed motivational currents in Chinese EFL teaching contextsQingyang WangUnderstanding the construction of Chinese EFL teacher identity in translanguaging practicesYian (Clark) WangNovel Chinese ESL Learners' Strategy Management to Improve Vocabulary Use in Instant Messaging with Other English Speakers Yupei WeiThe role of fairy tales as instructional materials for teaching English as a foreign language in Chinese kindergartensYanru XinThe effect of content and language integrated learning courses on English undergraduates' intercultural communicative competenceYilan XuA mixed-method investigation into the academic writing difficulties of Chinese overseas postgraduate studentsMei-Hua YangMobile‐assisted language learning, L2 learners' motivation and learners' burnoutQianyu YangChinese students' multilingual identity and its effects on academic English performance: A case study in study-abroad contextsHattice YararFrom diagnosis to education: The experiences of families with late-diagnosed deaf children of low-income bilingual familiesMeihui (Vanessa) YiA longitudinal study: The impact of language learning vloggers and their videos on the motivation of Chinese French major students in higher education in the UK Yalin YinRace, gender, nationality and identity: A critical interpretation of Chinese students' study abroad experienceDongchen (Helen) YuA philosophical inquiry of self and other relationships in intercultural communication: From ethical self and other to political self towards otherness Caixia YuanInvestigating the efficacy of using screencast feedback on Chinese postgraduates' academic writing and perceptionWei YurouUsing storytelling for fifth grade students to learn English writing in a Chinese primary schoolXuande WuCulture shock, acculturation and second language learning motivation: an analytical study of Chinese international students pursuing a masters degree at higher education institutions in ScotlandYongqi ZengExploring the discipline variations: Translanguaging as pedagogical practices in English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) Chinese online university SPOC coursesLeijun ZhangExploring teachers’ perceptions of reading strategies and their classroom practices of reading strategy use in Scottish secondary schoolsYuchong ZhangExploring factors influencing Chinese students' LOTE motivational selvesRongxin (Daisy) ZhuEnhancing Textbook Design for CLIL Mathematics: Criteria for the Integration of Native and Non-Native Education MaterialsYue ZhuIdentity development of gifted students in mainland China Social Justice and Inclusion Sara AbahussainExploring the impacts of public kindergarten expansion project in relation to class equity in the kingdom of Saudi ArabiaBashaer AlotaibiSTEAM for early childhood in Saudi Arabia: A proposed Grade 1 to 3 STEAM Framework for KSA schools with the aim to prepare future generations and advance the realisation of Visions 2030Sarah AustinTeacher development in refugee contextsBarbara BecnelCulture of the condemned: A critique of how death row became a symbol of heroism for America's street-gang generationEileen BurnsAre the assessments being used to assess Scottish deaf pupils fit for purpose and the assessment special arrangements used by deaf pupils the best choice to provide the best level of access?Serif CakirayExploring the barriers to inclusion which embedded within the socio-ecological systems of refugee children with disabilities: A socio-ecological analysisGiulia CarozziFeeling to live in a legitimate space: Towards global citizenship and its education as an ethics of careBethan DaviesHow has the Covid-19 pandemic impacted on Scottish childminders and their services?Barbara Dzieciatko- SzendreiMaking sense of teachers' communities of practice with social and epistemic network analysisMiranda EodanableFetal alcohol spectrum disorder: An exploration of professionals’ and young people’s views on diagnosisCagla ErgulInvestigating inclusive education for children identified as having special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) by focusing on social communication and participation for the educational and sociological domainJianing FuHow does Covid-19 affect children's access to urban green spaces: A comparative study between advantaged and disadvantaged families in urban ChinaHelen HickeyInclusive Learning - Girls Go Under the Radar - diagnosing and supporting girls (of primary school age) with ADHD and teachers' understanding of/attitudes to girls with ADHD within international schools in ParisFanshu HuangPerspectives on professionalism in ECE by kindergarten teachers from Z provinceHuaiyuan HuangEthnic solidarity education and identity construction: Migrant ethnic Korean youth in Changchun City, Northeast ChinaYu-Tang [Oliver] HuangRapid expanded Asian higher education and social justice: Discovering systematic social transformations result from state level strategies and governance of higher education in ChinaYuqing HuangInternational mobility of young scholars: Motivations, realities and retention mechanisms from a glonacal perspectiveHazhari IsmailEducation access in promoting equitable quality education: A phenomenological study from public preschool teachersXinyue JiangA Qualitative Study of Parents and Teachers' Perspectives on Home-School Collaboration for Autistic Children in ChinaAnastasia KalokyriYoung people with ADHD, complex social identities and school experiences in Scottish context: Moving beyond deficit labelsAnne KentThe self-reported health and wellbeing of the children of Scottish prisonersOzlem KocyigitCritical peace education in Northern Kurdistan: Exploring peace, violence and possibilities for conflict resolution through teachers' resistanceSelin KorkmazJock Tamson’s New Bairns: Syrian refugee children in Scottish schoolsMinkyung KwonGender perspectives of South Korean students in designing sex educationLiz LattoThe politics of professionalisation: The changing roles of practitioners within early learning and childcareYan LiangGender inequality in higher education in China: A comparative analysis between Eastern and Western ChinaMorgan LudingtonMenstruation stigmas: Discovering the past, understanding the present and directing the futureYuemiao MaCitizenship education embedded in Model United Nations: An explorative study on Chinese secondary school studentsGabrielle NjieHow do educational leadership professionals implement equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) into qualification design and policy?AE O'DonnellLearning to challenge epistemic injustice: Collective advocacy and mental health law reform in ScotlandChloe PaulBodies of Grief: A longitudinal enthographic exploration in how women renegotiate value in their body and self through embodied experiences with the more-than-human worldXue QinGender differences of the elderly in receiving lifelong learning in first-tier cities in ChinaFaiz RozlanThe impact of ethnic-quota system on social and applied science’s undergraduate students’ entry experience in MalaysiaGizem SilistireConceptualisations of childhoods and early learning and childcare (ELC): The experiences of children and practitioners based on practitioners' perspectives in the Scottish context during the Covid-19 pandemicJiyuan SongParental investment in education: An ethnographic case study of first- and second-generation Chinese immigrant families in ScotlandShrikant WadSocial disparities amongst undergraduate disciplines: A realist inquiry into choice and affirmative action in IndiaJosh WattersConceptions of 'international': British international schooling in post-colonial Southeast AsiaSuoyi YangRead into Student Bodies in Chinese in situ 'International' Education: Revealing Institutional Powers in the Assemblage of Mobility and Immobility Chen ZhangClosing the broch: Applicant to returnee, an ethnographic study of a group of Chinese students’ complete Scottish education journey to investigate how they make adjustments emotionally, cognitively and behaviourally that may influence their educational, sociocultural and employment successSuqiong ZhengTeacher agency for professional learning communities in schoolsQiyu ZhuangAcademic environment Sports-related Research Norah AlaliExploring the attitudes of coaches towards the adoption of various theoretical learning models in exercises designingNoor AlshammariTalent pathways' development in women's high school basketballAthari AlshemmariIdentifying stressors in adolescent gymnasts and evaluating the use of psychological training skills to help counter them and enhance performanceNimra ArshadThe effectiveness of aquatic exercises for chronic nonspecific low back painWilliam Wynter BeeConsidering the health benefit of golf for those with a disability, and understanding illness and health provision in elite and professional golf (and disparities between groups)Liron BlajwajsMentalization among people with hypermobility: Mentalizing abilities, mental health and rheumatic painYamnei (Mei) BowieThesis TBDClive BrewerModelling the interpersonal & operational management requirements of science and sports medicine as required to enhance performance within high performance sports organisationsAndrew BurnsInterdisciplinary approach to performance support or coaching by committeeJingyi CaoBeyond the arena: The impact of social networks and policy on elite athletes' post-career transitions in ChinaJojo ChenThe impact of sponsorship of the Olympics game on brand equityChongzhi ChuSport, nationalism, national identity and regional identity in ChinaVincent ColemanTrauma-aware pedagogies in Physical EducationGraham CondieExperiencing and living with Cerebral Palsy or a similar neurological condition and finding meaning in recreation and disability sportFiona CoxDetermining the demands that place load on National Organ Retrieval Service team membersFrancis DevineExploring master narratives in Scottish sport and society: Print media representations of Catholics, Catholicism and the Catholic ChurchChiyuan DingUnderstanding the value of emotional intelligence in facilitating development of quality coaching performance in grassroots youth football Paul DownesEvaluating perceptions of high-level S and C coaches on the types of knowledge and skills needed, and their relevance to work in the fieldChris DuncanCreating space in invasion gamesCallum FergusonTowards optimising golf performance: Understanding and applying interdisciplinary interventionsAshley FerkolEvaluating the key teamwork competencies, cognitive demands and context factors that contribute to effective training in emergency response teamsVanessa Fernandez VidueiraChronotypes in adolescence: The impact of chronotypes on performance in adolescentsChongzheng GanThe impact of mega sports events on the host country's soft power: A study of ChinaChristina GorbachevaMoving more for mental well-being in menopause: development of workplace intervention strategiesHamish GornallScottish Rugby Union Tackle Height Law Change and Injury Surveillance StudyGregor GrayDeveloping Experience-informed Judgement in Adventure Sport: A Risky Business?Andy GrechAn investigation into the extrinsic factors that hinder sports development and capabilities in MaltaSteffan GriffinRugby Union and health and wellbeingStephanie HardleyUnderstanding mental, social and emotional wellbeing for socially and economically disadvantaged pupils attending "middle class" schoolsVedam HariharanThe impact of “social character” in the development of South Asian cricketers in the UKJen HarrisA project to deepen the research into parenting in youth sport with the aim of constructing a parental educational program to support parents and help improve their child's sporting journeyNiamh HartCreating an evidence-based resource for inclusive yoga in mainstream schoolsDaniel HellerAn evidence-informed approach to rally motorsport coach education and developmentClaire HigginsKime: Somatic code or kinaesthetic potential? Exploring the psychological dimensions of kime in karate performanceMatthew HillyerUnderstanding the talent development environment in youth football of an emerging nationLaken JamesMentorship for female athletes to maximize their potential on and off the courtYuxi JiangInvestigating the role, teaching and transfer of Body Rhythm within Folk Dance to improve wellbeingBernadette KellermannThe role of emotions in transition processes between performance statesYvette Man-Yi KongDeciphering the art of challenging coaching: Balancing challenge and psychological safety for optimal talent development in high performance sportHui Kwan [Nicholas] LamUnderstanding the development of mental fatigue in orienteeringRay LauSink, Swim and Survive: Using Participatory Action Research to Support the Learning and Development of Teacher Developers in SwimmingMatthew LaytonPinch points on the pathway: Supporting players through the development of effective attitude and skillsJian LeiImproving mental health and promoting PA for older adults through walking under green space exposure in the context of tactical urbanism and nature-based health interventionChuchu LiThe effect of standing desks on school-age children’s sedentary behavior, classroom behavior and academic performanceJunru LiSport and national identity in the media: The case of naturalised athletes in ChinaShiyang LiUnderstanding and developing sports coaching expertise in ChinaTianning LiThe role of sports diplomacy in conflict resolution and peacebuilding - The case of ChinaYujing LiEffects of physical activities and active video games in children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum DisorderJunjay LinInternational relations and development for sport in TaiwanTongyu LiuIdentifying the cognitive demands on professional E-sports players’ performance in MOBA games competitionsKatie MansonPhysical Education (PE) teachers' perceptions of the implementation of the proposed changes to senior-secondary assessment in ScotlandKeri McDonaldEvolvement of SDP within the South African contextPaul McFarlaneTransatlantic dimensions: The Scots and North American soccer, c. 1870s - 1939Alice MeesDeveloping judgement and decision making in outdoor instructorsJack MoranTreasure maps for the long and winding road: Exploring the design and implementation of interdisciplinary curriculums to support non-linear development in team sport talent pathwaysDylan MorrisonAn investigation into the relationship between external/internal load and risk of injury in elite female football playersTayla MounterResearch into the practice behaviours, the talent development environment (TDE) and social influences within elite squashMark PaceExploring a male ballet dancer’s adolescent years and the different events and transitions that affected their talent development and how their interpersonal relationships influenced them during these different transitions and eventsLesley PageExperiential teaching and understanding the instructors’ awareness of learning processesMarianna PavanThe quest for stable and peaceful multicultural societies in Europe: Finding an answer in sport as a tool for interreligious dialogueMeijun QuDeveloping resilience and coaching life skills in Youth Sport: A qualitative investigation of Chinese sport-based coachesSuhaib RamboShoulder aquatic prehabilitation development programme for adult recreational swimmers Hongyu RanA qualitative and quantitative study of the effects of HIIT on smoking cessationCraig RiddleObjective measures of impaired lower limb impairments in RaceRunning athletes with Cerebral PalsyPatrick RobinsonThesis TBCMyrna SalibaSport and the city: The social, cultural and economic impact of sport on the City of DubaiSian SalmonPhysical demands of competitive dance: What are the demands and are current training and nutritional programmes sufficient?Erin SanchezDeveloping talent in dance: What is needed and how are young dancers best prepared?Bradley SharplesLower-order sports mega-events and capability development: A comparative analysis of Birmingham 2022 and the Southeast Asian GamesHenry ShipleeThe same and different: understanding the nuance of Paralympic athlete development as a biopsychosocial phenomenonLing ShenDevelopment and evaluation of design characteristics to encourage Chinese student participation in university group walksKait SimpsonUniversity sport and mental healthApril SteffeckEffectiveness of initial teacher training for teacher-directed violenceGuy SternAssessing training modalities’ effect on mobility in recreational senior and masters athletesMargaret (Meg) StoneBetter performance and more balanced leadership: Promoting role clarity and female leadership in elite sportChang SuExploring Sustainability Strategies in Large-Scale Sport Events: The Case of the Paris 2024 Olympic GamesJason TaylorDevelop a unifying methodology to facilitate the operationalisation and development of decision-making expertise in adventure sports coachingTerrence Teixeira Shaping the Paralympic movement: An analysis of the inter-organisational dynamics between the International Olympic Committee and the International Paralympic Committee, and its impact on the Paralympic GamesOzum TeomanThe Role of Coach-Athlete Attachment Style and Self-Disclosure in the Relationship Between Coach-Athlete Relationship Quality, Performance, and Psychological SafetyLisa Thomson Food for thought: PE teachers' awareness of eating disorders and the messages they portray within health and wellbeing Hannah WaltonEvaluation of World Rugby Activate Injury Prevention Programme in Scottish Female Rugby UnionChenqi WangBody image and social media internalization of social, physical and facial ideals: Gender, athletic and cultural differences in young adultsChufeng WangGlobal football governance and ChinaRakhmat WibowoDeveloping a framework and checklist on physical activity interventions and policies in university settingsJohn WiddowsonTransference of life skill in the sporting environmentGary WyseExploration of professional coach identity and the impact of identity on the high-performance environmentMinquan XiongSport and social stratification in contemporary China: Migrant workers, citizenship and sports rightsWen YeThe role of sport as a soft power asset for Britain and China to advance international relationsChenxi YinMeaningfulness within youth sport?Yang ZhaoParticipation in Scottish country dancing in EdinburghYingying ZhangUnderstanding lifestyle sport in ScotlandYuepeijing ZhuoSwitching to fitness apps gets students moving: A study into the effect of fitness application intervention in improving physical activity and health-related quality of life among university students in Scotland Teacher Education, Curriculum and Pedagogy Alison AdamsHow teachers become curriculum makers through problem-based learningLuke AddisonBringing children's voices to the fore of “Learning for Sustainability”Elisabeth AngererPlayful leadership: Facilitating responsive co-creation in the face of ecological crisesNik Nur Athirah Binti Nik Mohd ArifESL instructors' attitudes and challenges in integrating AR technology for teaching writingAmy AuklandSpotlight on teachers: Policy and practice in Scotland and WalesSarah AustinTeacher development in refugee contextsCiara BlennerhassettTracking the process of PE curriculum development in Ireland from the perspectives of the key stakeholdersKevin BrackIn what ways does contemporary Scottish educational policy privilege systemic and organisational needs over the professional interests and desires of individual head teachers? Zhenyang (Michael) CaiRethinking the challenges and values of aesthetic education with comparative philosophyGangli CaoThe interplay between East Asian and Western philosophical thinking in higher education governance and policy borrowing: An analysis of hybridity of neo-Confucianism and Western philosophies in China and JapanHelen (Kaining) ChenGendered selves in teacher induction: Beginning teachers' professional identity development through the lens of gender in ChinaKate ClayExploring Outdoor Learning: Comparative Pedagogical Approaches of Montessori, Forest School, Experiential, and Teacher-Led MethodsAnna CooperThe Arts in Education: Aesthetic Struggle and Learner Experiences in the Expressive ArtsMaxime CorronThe Affects of Hospitality: Anthropological Relational Rationales in Central Eurasian EducationAmambo EssienJohn Dewey's democratic education and the problems of primary education in NigeriaLouise HawxwellImpact of early experiences on perceptions and practices of outdoor learning in primary education traineesAnna JessemanEnhancing the wellbeing of teachers through direct clinical therapy and trauma-informed professional developmentHaoyu JinExamining the dynamics of the dialectical relationship between positive and negative experiences that constitute the nature and process of education to build an ethical theory on the human experience of growth as facilitated by educationArgyris KarapitsanisThe utilization of drama in education as a tool for learning for primary school children, in museums and galleriesChang LiuEducation for a meaningful life in the Chinese higher education contextMiao LiuUnderstanding and practicing teacher leadership: A Chinese perspectiveIan NormileThesis title TBCSara Ramsey Decolonizing pedagogy for practical use in the classroomSonia SjollemaDealing with diversity in Makerspaces: A social pedagogical approachJulia SkiltonClimate change education: Full STEAM aheadLewis StockwellThe educational aims of canoeingAnli SuTeachers' perceptions and experiences of continuing professional development (CPD) in TaiwanXiaomeng TianA multiple case study of pedagogical relationships in different disciplinary areas in a research-intensive university in the UKBrian WrightOutdoor Education for a Sustainable Future: The United World Colleges as a participatory case study of outdoor education structures, theories of change, and pedagogical practices for impacting student outlooks regarding sustainability This article was published on 2024-10-07