Programme Structure / Structar

Our MA Primary Education with Gaelic degree includes pathways for Learners and Fluent speakers. / Bun-fhiosrachadh mu na ceuman ann an Urram Foghlam Bunsgoil le Gàidhlig.

Gaelic and Prim

Moray House School of Education and Sport's proud tradition of teacher education spans nearly 200 years. Our strong history and reputation, together with our future-oriented approach to teaching, ensure we help our students develop the skills and confidence to become transformative teachers: those who have the potential to change the lives of children and young people for the better.

MA Primary Education with Gaelic (Fluent Speakers) / MA Urram Foghlam Bunsgoile le Gàidhlig (Fileantaich)

This four-year degree option requires students to have obtained a Higher in Gàidhlig or Gaelic.

These innovative programmes have been developed to help meet the national shortage of Gaelic teachers and to enhance the professional capacity of future teachers.

These programmes include two key features unique to the University of Edinburgh:

  • A year-long placement in a Gaelic-medium primary school setting
  • Dedicated courses on bilingualism and bilingual education, with a focus on Gaelic and Scotland

Airson àite fhaighinn air a’ cheum seo, a mhaireas ceithir bliadhna, feumaidh oileanaich teisteanas Àrd-ìre ann an Gàidhlig air neo ann an Gaelic.

Tha na ceumannan ùr-ghnàthach seo ag amas air fuasgladh fhaighinn air a’ ghainne nàiseanta de thidsearan Gàidhlig agus air leudachadh comas proifeiseanta nan tidsearan san àm ri teachd.

Tha dà fheart shònraichte aig na ceumannan seo nach fhaighear ann am prògraman eile:

  • Greis gnìomhachais fad bliadhna ann am Bun-sgoile foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig
  • Cùrsaichean mionaideach air dà-chànanas agus foghlam dà-chànanach, leis a’ chuideam air Gàidhlig agus Alba.

Programme details / Fiosrachadh mun ch 

Programme fees and funding

MA Primary Education with Gaelic (Learners) / MA Urram Foghlam Bunsgoil le Gàidhlig (Luchd-ionnsachaidh)

Students on this programme, which is a five-year degree, do not need to have any previous knowledge of Gaelic when they begin their studies. The language skills required to teach through the medium of Gaelic will be developed during the programme.

Cha leig na h-oileanaich air a' phrògram seo a leas fiosrachadh sam bith mu Ghàidhlig nuair a' thòisicheas iad. Gheibh iad na sgilean cànan a dh'fheumas iad airson teagasg foghlam troimh mheadhan na Gàidhlig troimh an ionnsachadh aca thairis na còig bliadhna.

Programme details / Fiosrachadh mun cheum 

Programme fees and funding


In years 1 and 2 students will take Gaelic language and linguistics courses alongside a range of courses in Educational Studies and Primary Education.

Students on both programmes undertake a year-long placement in a Gaelic-medium primary school setting. This placement is in year 3 for Fluent Speakers and year 4 for Learners.

From year 3 on, students on both programmes take specialist courses on Gaelic education, bilingualism and bilingual education. Students on the Learners programme also includes an immersion year at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig to consolidate their Gaelic skills.

University-based learning for all Initial Teacher Education (ITE) programmes takes place at our Holyrood campus, and student teachers who accept a place on an ITE programme are required to have a term-time address in a location that will allow them to travel to campus on a regular basis for in-person teaching. 


Ann am bliadhna 1 agus 2, nì oileanaich cùrsaichean ann an Gàidhlig agus ann an cànanachas, a bharrachd air grunn chùrsaichean ann an Eòlas Foghlaim agus Foghlam Bun-sgoile.

Ann am bliadhna 3 bliadhna 4 airson luchd-ionnsachaidh nì oileanaich greis gnìomhachais fad bliadhna ann am foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig. Ann am bliadhna 3 agus bliadhna 4, nì oileanaich cùrsaichean speisealaichte air foghlam Gàidhlig, dà-chànanas agus foghlam dà-chànanach.

Bidh oileanaich air prògram an luchd-ionnsachaidh cuideachd a’ dèanamh bliadhna bogaidh ann an Gàidhlig ann an Sabhal Mòr Ostaig gus an sgilean sa chànan a neartachadh.

Professional placements

School-based learning takes place in placement schools. All Student teacher placements are allocated via the national Student Placement System (SPS) that is hosted and maintained by GTC Scotland. Student teachers are not permitted to arrange their own placements independently.  Placements in Scotland are matched via SPS using an automated process.  Schools, Local Authorities and universities work together to complete this process successfully. 

More information about SPS and the allocations process

Moray House School of Education and Sport has established partnerships with Local Authorities across Scotland. For the year-long placement in the penultimate year of the programme, students will be placed in one Gaelic-medium school for an entire academic year with the opportunity to become authentic members of the school community.

Once notified of their allocated school, students will be expected to be responsible for organising suitable living arrangements that will allow them to commute to their allocated school throughout the year. Unless exceptional circumstances apply, students may be placed in any Gaelic-medium school in Scotland.

Place2Be partnership

Place2Be logo

Teachers today are faced with a range of mental health needs in the classroom, and yet traditionally they receive very little training in this area, or support to cope with the emotional impact that the role may have on them. A unique strategic partnership between Moray House School of Education and Sport and children’s mental health charity, Place2Be, provides a unique resource to student teachers at Edinburgh. The approach is informed by Place2Be’s 25 years’ experience supporting the wellbeing of pupils, families and school staff in schools.

Building on a successful two-year pilot – this partnership continues to increase knowledge, understanding and skills around children’s mental health for student teachers and the initial teacher education programmes across Moray House as a whole. As a core element of the partnership, our dedicated Place2Be clinician will provide direct support for student teachers, via a reflective space known as ‘Place2Think’. These sessions aim to build emotional resilience and to promote the need for teacher self-care.

Through this unique partnership, we will equip teachers with the skills they need for a rewarding career and to produce mentally healthy classrooms benefitting everyone’s mental health.

Place2Be at Moray House

Kathleen Forbes

Place2Be Clinician

  • Moray House School of Education and Sport

Contact details