With their strong foundation in teaching and research, our students are employed worldwide in all areas of language education. This MSc programme aims to:Develop well-rounded educators who can teach any or all of their language(s)Develop graduates who can take on additional roles in this field such as testing, teacher education and course design and evaluationSupport students to develop creative ways to link theory to their own language education contextEquip students to engage in research during the masters and beyond as a form of reflective practice.Graduates of the MSc Language Education can:Show an understanding of both seminal and recent concepts and theories in the field of Language EducationCritically review and engage with key principles underlying the fieldPlan and execute a significant piece of research of your choice relevant to the field of Language EducationHaving received a wealth of fascinating knowledge during the MSc Language Teaching, my current job has been entirely transformed. The methods professors used in class were absolutely unprecedented in Asian classes. I now use them in my own teaching.Chenwei HungProgramme Director of a foreign language school in Taipei Careers ServiceThe University of Edinburgh's Careers Service supports all current students (and graduates for up to 2 years) to develop their potential and achieve satisfying and rewarding futures.Join in and make use of:individual appointmentsgroup sessionswider campus-based activityonline services and resourcesWe also deliver a diverse programme of face-to-face and online events throughout the academic year. This article was published on 2024-10-07